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Transponder Car Keys

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Is your transponder chip or ECU not working? Get Transponder Keys Fixed or Replaced fast!

Transponder Car Keys, ECUs and Immobilisers.

Technology has provided drivers with all kinds of creature comforts and improvements in recent years. One of the great advances of car security came with the introduction of transponder chips, the ECU (electronic control unit) and the electronic immobiliser.

Your car’s ECU communicates with the transponder chip in your key, requesting a code to disarm the immobiliser. If the code is incorrect, the immobiliser won’t allow the car to start. KeyBay has the programming equipment to ensure that your ECU, immobiliser and transponder are all working in harmony.

If your car key or immobiliser system is faulty our technician will use diagnostic equipment to identify the fault source and solve the problem. Depending on your make and model of vehicle, the problem could be caused by any number of things. KeyBay’s complete mobile workshop is equipped to replace ignition barrels, cut and program keys and remotes for most vehicles on Australian roads.

Interestingly, some transponder keys have special properties that make them completely waterproof. These keys are a great spare key option because you can submerge them in water at the beach, swimming or fishing, without leaving them wrapped in a towel or hidden in the car park! To find out if a KeyBay Waterproof Key is available for your vehicle, please make a note on the quote request form.

Vehicle Security

Please be aware that we may request certain vehicle details as a matter of security for proof of ownership. Vehicle registration, insurance and VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) may be requested.

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